Welcome to The Boxing Bulletin's live round by round blog coverage of Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs Juan Manuel Marquez.
We will also be doing round by round updates of Michael Katsidis vs Vicente Escobedo and the rematch between Chris John and Rocky Juarez. Make sure to check back in after 9 PM EST for our comprehensive blow by blow coverage of all the action.
Floyd Mayweather (146) 39-0 vs Juan Manuel Marquez 50-4-1 (142)
If you are here early, check out some our stories on tonight's main-event and next week's Vitali Klitschko vs Chris Arreola heavyweight showdown:
The Case for Juan Manuel Marquez Beating Floyd Mayweather Part One & Part Two by Lee Payton
Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs Juan Manuel Marquez Predictions
Chris Arreola Has The Tools To Rise Above Expectations by Michael Nelson
Has Arreola Sacrificed Enough To Beat Klitschko by Lee PaytonRefresh this page often as updates will be frequent
5:45 PM... We'll start doing updates immediately after the John vs Juarez bout concludes. We estimate that should be around 11:15-11:30, but you might want to check back in with us earlier to make sure.
11:19... John/Juarez is in round 11.
11:32... The under-card part of the show is over. The main-event is coming up soon.
11:34... Before the fighters head in, we've got the national anthems.
11:39... Marquez is making his way towards the ring.
11:40... As far as fight night weights go, I believe earlier in the broadcast, it was mentioned that Marquez put on 6 pounds. Floyd has curiously refused to weigh-in again.
11:42... Marquez is in the ring.
11:43... Mayweather is starting to make his way in.
11:45... Floyd is in the ring bouncing up and down.
11:46... Michael Buffer with the intros.
11:47... Tony Weeks is the third man.
11:49... The intros are done. The fighters are getting their final instructions from Weeks in the middle of the ring. We are moments from starting.
11:52... Round 1 is underway. Marquez with a jab that his short. Action in the middle fo the ring. Floyd iwth a jab. Marquez short to the body with a jb. Floyd with his left hand low, leaning backwards. Marquez tries to shoot a double jab, but is short with both. Floyd is short with a counter hook. Marquez is short with a hook. Floyd slipping another couple of jabs. Floyd edging forward. he jabs to the body. he lands a lead left hook, and slips away. Marquez is short with a right and misses a follow up hook. Marquez is struggling to get close enough. Floyd jabs to the body, but is short. Marquez with a left hook that brings a cheer from the crowd. 30 seconds elft. Marquez short with a 1-2. Floyd with a lead hook that lands. Floyd jabs to the body. Marquez tries to jab his way in and then has a hook blocked. Marquez misses a hook. There's the bell.
11:54... 1-0 to Floyd on Harold's card.
11:57... Action in the middle of the ring. Marquez short with a jab and follow up hook. Floyd misses with a hook. Marquez short with a hook. Marquez tries to jab his way in and then shoots a right that Floyd ducks. Marquez with a right hand that lands over the top. Floyd grins. Floyd with a left hook that lands. Floyd with a big left hook that sends Marquez down hard. he's up quickly and ready to go. 1:20 to go in the round. Marquez standing his ground. Floyd with a hook that lands. Marquez looks like he has his legs here. Floyd jabs to the body. Floyd not over anxious here, not trying to press after the knockdown. he jabs to the body. Marquez standing his ground, and fires a right hand. 20 seconds to go in the round. Floyd jumps in and lands a hook. Marquez slow to counter. Marquez edging forward to close the round. There's the bell.
12:00... Marquez misses with a hook, and misses a follow up right. Marquez tries to attack, but Floyd easily alludes the jab/right. Floyd looking very comfy. Marquez with a 1-2 that is blocked. Floyd fires a right hand that misses. Floyd jumps in with a hook that lands. Floyd with a jab. Floyd's speed is really showing here. he's beating Marquez to the punch. Floyd jabs to the body. Marquez edging forward and eats a jab. Tactical round here. Neither man really committing. Now Marquez tries to come forward and Floyd catches him. Marquez fires a right hand that lands. Floyd with a jab. Marquez comes forward, but is short. Marquez is short with a right hand.
12:02... Beristain telling Marquez that he needs to throw combinations in there, not just one punch at a time. Harold has it 3-0.
12:05... Mayweather jabs to the body. Mayweather jumps in with a hook and slips away. marquez trying to edge forward, but is short with a right hand over the top. Mayweather sticks a jab in there. mayweather again catches Marquez with a jab. Marquez tries to fire a right hand in close. Floyd now edging forward a little bit. Marquez throws a 1-2, but is short. Marquez lands a nice right hand that lands and Floyd smiles. Steward comments that Floyd is rolling nice with shots whenever Marquez does land. Floyd with a jab. Another jab. Marquez misses with a right hand. "When you're bigger and faster, that's a real tough combination to overcome." - Steward
12:09... Floyd up 4-0 (plus the kd) on Harold's card. Floyd jabbing to the body, and then moving away from Marquez's return fire. Floyd just looks too quick in there. Floyd jumps in and misses. Floyd with a jab. Marquez edges forward, but Floyd quickly slips away. Marquez is short with a right hand. Marquez a little more aggressive here, but not able to catch Floyd. Floyd jabbing to the body. Floyd is short with a right hand. Marquez edging forward now, and Floyd is circling. Floyd looking to counter. Marquez fires a 1-2, but misses and Floyd slips away. Floyd with a clean left hook catching Marquez as he comes in. Again Floyd catches Marquez with a hook on the way in. Marquez chases Floyd, letting his hands go, but unable to land.
12:13... Marquez fires a 1-2 to open the round but is short. Marquez trying to jab his way in. Floyd just misses with a right hand, and Marquez fired a counter right back but misses. marquez with a 1-2, but Floyd blocks both shots. marquez fires a combo and lands a hook. Floyd responds with his own hook. Floyd lands a right hand lead. Floyd slips a jab. Floyd is looking a little cocky now. he's got his hands down, he's standing right in front of Marquez, tempting Marquez to open up. Floyd with a jab. Marquez comes forward and fires a combo to the body. Floyd now edges forward and Marquez backs into a corner. Floyd misses with a hook, but catches Marquez with a hard right hand. Floyd lands again just before the round ends.
12:17... A shut-out on Harold's card after 6. Marquez is short with a hook. Floyd with a jab. Marquez misses with a right. Marquez fires to the body, but is short. Floyd looking very comfortable here. Floyd lands a hook. Marquez fires off a combo, one shot might have got through. Marquez catches Floyd on the way in there with a nice shot. Floyd though comes right back with the jab. Floyd with a right hand. Floyd with a jab. Marquez backs Floyd into the corner and fired off several shots, one may have landed, and Floyd then waved him on. Now the action moves back to the middle of the ring. Floyd with a right hand. Marquez marching forward though, and trying to respond. Floyd with a little counter. Marquez tries to flurry. there's the bell. Marquez showed some real urgency that round and had perhaps his best moments, but still looked out of his depth.
12:21... Marquez comes forward and fires a right hand to the body. Marquez comes forward with a 1-2 but is short. Floyd jumps in with a hook. Floyd with a jab. Floyd with another jab. Marquez short with a right. Marquez with a hook that is blocked. Action in the middle of the ring. Floyd now edges forward. Marquez tries to jab, but is short. Marquez with a right hand that is blocked. Floyd with a jab to the body. Now Floyd edging forward and Marquez backs into the ropes, only to fire back with a right hand to the body. Marquez trying to flurry, but Floyd looking very comfortable defensively. Floyd jabs to the body, but is short. Floyd is short with a right hand. Floyd with a jab. Floyd with a right hand. marquez comes forward and banags the body, but Floyd's got those elbows tucked. He motions Marquez on, and Marquez again fires to the body. There's the bell.
12:24... Floyd comes forward to start the round and lands a right. 8-0 on Harold's card. Floyd with a jab. Floyd edges forward, and sticks another jab home. Floyd jabs to the body. Marquez jabs tot he body. Floyd with a jab. Marquez with a jab, and fires a right hand. Floyd with a jab. Floyd lands a left hook. Floyd jabs to the body. Floyd just too quick here. Floyd sticking the jab home. Floyd sticking the jab in. Floyd now is the one coming forward. he lands another jab. Marquez tries to fire back with a right hand. Marquez fires another right hand, but it's blocked. Floyd with a jab. Marquez fires a jab into Floyd's guard and is short to the body. Floyd lands a nice combination that lands. Marquez fires back though. Floyd jabs to the body. Floyd ducks under Marquez's return fire. Floyd with a jab. There's the bell.
12:28... 9-0 on Harold's card. Marquez gamely comes forward and fires a 1-2. Floyd comes forward and lands a hard right hand. He's edging forward and now Marquez is backing up. Floyd with a combo that lands. Marquez fires a jab back. Floyd with a jab. Floyd jumps in with a hook that just misses. Floyd with another jab. Floyd is just sticking that jab home. Marquez fires a 1-2 that misses. Marquez lands a right hand. Floyd now lands a jab. marquez fires back. Floyd with a hard right hand that lands flush, but Marquez takes it well. Marquez is game as it gets. He's losing badly, but doing all he can to try and make a fight. He's just not quick enough to cope with Floyd. Marquez tries to flurry, but Floyd blocks and slips. There's the bell.
12:32... Marquez fires off a series of hooks and right, but I don't think one of them landed. Floyd jabs to the body. Floyd now comes forward and backs Marquez up, but can't capitalize and Marquez moves off the ropes. Floyd with a combo that lands. Floyd with a jab. Marquez misses with a hook. Floyd with a jab. Floyd with another jab. And another. Floyd with another jab. Floyd follows up with a hard right hand. Marquez gamely fires back, but can't find Floyd. Marquez standing in and throws a combo, but Floyd blocks it and then attacks back. Floyd with a jab, and fires a right hand to the body. Floyd with a hard left hook. Floyd backing Marquez up. Marquez fires back though. Marquez is short to the body with a right. Floyd with a jab. Marquez presses forward to end the round.
12:33... Last round coming up. The last was a dominant one. Only question now is will Floyd go for the finish here.
12:37... Floyd with a jab. Marquez fires off a hook that is blocked. Floyd with a jab. Floyd with a flush hook that lands as Marquez was coming in. Floyd with a jab. Marquez fires to the body. Floyd with a combo that lands. Floyd blocks a right. Marquez is short with a hook. Floyd with a 1-2. 1:30 to go. Floyd with a jab. Floyd with a right hand. Marquez fires back, but is short. 1:00 to go. Floyd sticks the jab home. Marquez comes forward, as Floyd backs up into the ropes. Marquez can't find him though. Floyd now moves back into the middle of the ring. 30 seconds to go. Floyd with a right hand. Marquez fires back. Floyd with another right hand. 10 seconds to go. That's going to be it. Marquez comes forward as the bell rings, but can't find Floyd.
12:39... Michael Buffer with the scores... 118-109, 120-107 and 119-108 all for Floyd Mayweather.
12:40... A masterful performance by Floyd. He had the jab working to perfection and was dominant from start to finish.
12:42... Kellerman is with Floyd. "I can get better." Floyd. "He's tough. He's tough as nails." Kellerman is asking Floyd about the weight situation and Floyd is clear that he's not intersted in talking about it. "I just want to talk about my performance."
12:44... Kellerman asks about the possibility of a Mosley fight. Shane's up in the ring and he tells Floyd that he wants to get it on. Floyd says he'll let his people talk about that. Shane's not happy and a war of words ensues. Floyd's not pleased about having his interview invaded by Sugar Shane. Kellerman begins to ask Floyd another question and Floyd tells Max that, "You've done enough talking, I want to talk now." With that, Max ends the interview and sends it back to Steward and Lampley.
12:47... Marquez is joining the HBO crew to say a few words.
12:49... Marquez says that he did his best but the difference was the size. Marquez feels if he could have had a few more fights at the weight, he would have been able to do better.
12:50... That's it for our coverage of tonight's show. I hope you enjoyed it, and make sure to check back in next week for our live blog coverage of Vitali Klitschko vs Chris Arreola.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Round by Round Updates: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs Juan Manuel Marquez
Posted by TheBoxingBulletin at 5:45 PM
Labels: boxing bulletin live blog, floyd mayweather jr., juan manuel marquez, welterweight
This fight reminds me a little bit of the final scene in the Western Movie from 1995 - "The Quick And The Dead" with Gene Hackman. Someone's going to lose and possibly lose hard!
Gene Hackman shouts to Sharon Stone, "You're not fast enough for me!"
Sharon Stone looks him in the eye and says, "Today I am!"
My word verification is "whanks"
Seems like a reasonable alternative to buying this mismatch
Thank God I didn't pay for this!
Whanks a lot!
Total domination from the best in the world. I loved watching a master do his thing. I hope it wasn't too dominating as to make Arum keep Manny away. After all, Manny fought JMM 24 rounds and won by one.
Not impressed at all with Marquez. Marquez hardly used his jab and what ever happened with working the body?
Great performance by Floyd. Mayweather did exactly what was expected from him. The speed and defensive skills of Floyd is what got him the victory. "Dinamita" was too dam slow, boy did Marquez miss a lot of his punches thrown at Floyd.
I wanna see a Marquez/John rematch next.
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